Thursday, June 12, 2014

OMG Catchup Time!

It’s been so long! I haven’t had much time to post, but the school year is over now, so, yay!
What’s new? I have an now ( and it’s pretty fun.
Summer time! I swim alot, so until August that will take up most of my time.
A ton of my friends are moving. On of them I’ll never see again. I’LL MISS YOU ALL!!!!
That’s basically it. I’m still a living radio, boys still hate me, still having fun. LIVE LIFE!
Peace out.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


 Hello my readers! You know, most of my post nowadays are about advice, so… RANDOM STUFF!!! Yay!!!!!!
  Have you ever realized that if you have a best friend, you can’t ever imagine living without them? Well the reality is that you’ll either stay BFFs 4 life, or break up or have to separate. Isn't it sad? The good thing is that you’ll find more friends, and life will go on as usual. It’s not all bad, so just keep your head up and be yourself.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Advice by Kitty #4

Advice by Kitty, #4! You know the drill, let's get going!

Dear Kitty,
I have had a lot of fake friendships. One of them, my friend and I made up. But she doesn’t know how I feel about the past. I wrote her a letter, but I don't know if I want to send it to her. It might ruin our friendship again. What do you think I could do to make her more aware of  what happened and how I felt?
                                                                                                                           -This or That

Dear This or That,
Let me get one thing straight: If you don’t feel comfortable around a person,THEY ARE NOT YOUR TRUE FRIEND. Give her the letter, and if she reacts in a bad way, she’s not a true friend. If you’re not sure you can be totally honest with her, don’t stay her “friend.” If you already know that your friendship was fake, why hold on? It’s not easy, but it will be worth it in the end. Do your best to make new friends, but in the end, being a little lonely beats hanging out with a person you have to hide things from. Just remember, your friends do not make who you are. You can be a good person without a lot of friends. Good luck, and stay strong!
                                                                                                                             As Always,

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Advice by Kitty #3

Hello all my readers! It's been a super long time since I got to posting, so... HERE YOU GO!

Dear Kitty,
My friend has been really mean to me. I have one friend (let's say her name is Sasha and the other one is Minerva) Sasha is my best friend and Minerva just wiggled and became our friend. Suddenly, Sasha and I were talking about something and Minerva just pushed me aside and started talking to Sasha. I try to be nice and I joke about Minerva and then she starts insulting me like nobody's business. She always makes me sad, but I don't want to the Sasha, but it's like Minerva is bullying me: What do I do? (Sorry if this is too long... :P)

Dear Unsure Otaku,
This is another tough situation you just have to make a decision about. First, there is no reason why you shouldn’t tell your friend that you’re not feeling right about someone, especially if you feel that you’re being bullied. TELL SASHA! PERIOD. (Easier said than done.) If she seems oblivious, do your best to tell her in a subtle, not pushy way. And do your best not to joke ABOUT Minerva to her face. If you want things to patch up, try to do your best to keep a mellow relationship between yourselves. If Minerva seems to be insulting you because she thinks you might be teasing her, STOP. It’ll only make things worse. If Sasha takes Minerva’s side and they both turn against you, the best solution is to just disconnect your friendship and make new friends. Be social, talk to other people. It’s no use hanging on to friends who’ll just make your life miserable. Good luck, bad friendships and relationships are just a part of life, you’ll get over it over time!

As always,

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Advice By Kitty #2

Hiya everyone! It's been a while since I posted an Advice article, so I'm super-duper happy someone actually asked me a question! Anonymous, whoever you are, thank you!
Okay, let's get started...

Dear Kitty,
Lately, I have been growing new interests and now my BFF and I have less and less in common. What should I do to stay in touch?
Dear Backstab,
This situation is similar to the one in my first Advice article, yet there are more ways to handle this. First, observe how your friend is acting. If her/his "new interests" seem to be making her/him less of a good person, than attempt to talk to her/him about what is happening and how you might be able to save your relationship. Believe me, I have had situations like this, it is not that hard to talk to your BFF even if s/he is changing quite a bit. Also keep track of how  s/he is changing, like if it as deep as personality-wise or can be fixed, like a small habit. Finally, if all else fails and you and your BFF seen to be as distant as America and England, maybe the best choice is to just let go. It's not worth it to hang on to a bad person even though they might have been an amazing friend in the past. After all, if you break up, there are still other friends to me made. Life is made for mistakes and choices, not regrets.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

OMG I'm Baaaaaaack!

Hiya everyone! It’s been a SUPER long time since I posted anything!I wish I could be on this more, but I don’t really have much time to post anything. Soooo anyway, I’ll catch up on all the stuff that’s happened in the past month, and… um… Yeah. Hope you guys didn’t all ditch me!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Boring Life (#2)

Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting on this for a while, been really busy. I decided to update all of you on my life, so... Here you go!
Can you remember a time where you and your BFF, or any good friend, were almost inseparable? You had sleepovers, playdates, and loved hanging out with each other. But what if that "friend" met another person who they started hanging out more with? They saw each other more often, and your "friend" started drifting away. Soon enough, you also start making new friends. For a while, you are all a happy group. New people come and click immediately. As time passes, you and your supposed BFF become farther and farther away. One day, one of your other friends gets in a fight with your "BFF", and the group begins to take sides. In the end, you are stuck in the middle of a fight between your old friend and another loyal one. Sad, right?
 The truth is, that actually happened to me. It wasn't all at once, actually over 2 and a 1/2 years or so. Let's call the BFF, um, Kacey. Her new friend is Vanessa. My new friend will be Alexia. So Kacey and I, for a long time, were best friends. We always wnted to hang out. We went skiing together, went to the movies, went fishing, a lot of things BFFs do. About 2 years ago, she met Vanessa. We also hung out together, and more friends came along, and for a lot more time, we were a g happy group of friends. A few months ago, she and Vanessa got Nintendo DSIs and Pokemon games. At first it was mild addiction, And I would watch them play. Soon, it came over them. Kacey and I stopped hanging out as much, because she was always playing Pokemon with Vanessa. Alexia and I became better friends, and it was alright for a while. Not perfect, but I managed.
 After a while, I noticed that Kacey's personality had changed as well. Long story short, she became a different person, one I didn't like, and slowly, we stopped being friends. I was sad, but I got over it. I'm definitely still friends with Alexia, and am making new ones every day. A lesson I could say I learn from this is that weak friendships come and go, but true friends will stay towards the end.
...Speaking of staying to the end, are you still here?
Just kidding, you guys are awesome. BYE!

                                                                                                                 - Kitty